News Detail

Today "The Yound Women's Peace Award in the Caucasus" took place for the fifth time.
The Young Women’s Peace Award in the Caucasus has been established to acknowledge the exceptional role and leadership potential of young women in building peace, empowering their communities and working to prevent conflicts and to restore and protect human rights. It has been inspired by the work of famous peace and human rights activist Anahit Bayandur (1931-2011), winner of Olaf Palme Peace Prize.
The Award is inspired by and dedicated to the work of Anahit Bayandur.
This award is aimed at advancing and supporting the emergence of a new generation of peace builders. It also aims is to recognize their contributions as well as to support and empower them to feel responsible for their communities and the wider world in which they live.
This year the awardees have been:
Ghaida Odat (Syria),
Kheda Omarkhadzieva (Chechnya)
Eliko Bendeliani (Georgia).
The previous awardees of the "Yound Women's Peace Award in the Caucasus" are:
Inna Hayrapetyan (Chechnya)
Sofia Shakirova (Stravropol Kari)
Rosa Ganieva (Ingushetia)
Khadija Ismayilova (Azerbaijan)
Zaruhi Hovhannisyan (Armenia)
Malikat Jabirova (Dagestan)
Megi Bilbiluri (Georgia)
Anahit Danielyan (Nagorno-Kharabagh)
Irina Kishukova (Kabardino-Balkaria)
Eteri Sigaeva (North Ossetia)
Naima Neflyasheva (Adygea)